28 Apr 2022

4 Tips for FDA-Approved FMCG Food Manufacturing in Singapore

4 Tips for FDA-Approved FMCG Food Manufacturing in Singapore

FMCG food manufacturing in Singapore is very stringently governed by SFA regulations, which are largely based around advice from the FDA. These regulatory bodies are also extremely diligent in enforcing norms with regards to matters such as the launch of healthy foods and beverages; regulated food labels; and clean, hygienic manufacturing plants.

Though most food and beverage manufacturing companies in Singapore perfunctorily adhere to the regulations set out by the SFA and the FDA, periodic changes to waste disposal, food quality, material use, and the likes have cropped up to be one of the most difficult challenges in the FMCG food manufacturing space.

In this regard, the best method of approaching SFA-approval in Singapore is perhaps not by simply keeping up with and meeting changing regulations. Instead, FMCG food manufacturing companies should seek to always adopt best practices and the highest standards in their handling of food and beverage products — to keep ahead of the curve rather than struggling to follow its frequent shifts and movements.

Here are 4 handling tips for SFA-approved food manufacturing in Singapore:


1. Routine Industrial Cleaning

Cleanliness and hygiene are of utmost importance in food and beverage manufacturing plants. However, cleaning such environments can be a complex and arduous task, especially if you lack specifically trained personnel.

It is thus recommended that FMCG food manufacturing companies in Singapore routinely engage professional industrial cleaning services to keep manufacturing equipment and workspace clean, such that any food or beverage produced in the plant can qualify to be SFA and FDA-approved.


2. Safe Sealing and Packaging

It is not enough for FMCG food companies in Singapore to make sure their factories and plants are clean and hygienic. On top of that, foods and beverages produced must also be kept in pristine conditions through safe sealing and packaging.

The materials used in all sealing and packaging equipment must not release any chemicals into the food or beverage, are immune to flavour absorption, and prevent leaks or any other malfunction of sorts that can expose the contained foodstuffs to contamination. A good roadmap for FMCG food manufacturing companies to follow includes asking themselves the following five questions and addressing them through appropriate sealing and packaging solutions as required:

  • What foods or fluids will the seal be exposed to?
  • What kind of temperatures will the packaging or seal be exposed to?
  • What are the needed functions the seal needs to fulfil (what’s suitable? static seals, o-rings, etc.)?


3. Pneumatic Conveying Equipment

As previously mentioned, cleanliness and hygiene are must-haves for FMCG food manufacturing companies that wish to be FDA-approved in Singapore. However, routine industrial cleaning can only be practised to a certain extent before it is no longer a cost-effective endeavour.

That is one of the reasons why many FMCG food manufacturing companies have long switched from mechanical conveying equipment to pneumatic conveying systems. The latter features many several benefits over the former with regards to cleanliness and hygiene, such as lessened risk of contamination due to closed systems used in pneumatic conveying equipment.

The closed systems in pneumatic conveyors also facilitate dust-free environments. FMCG food manufacturers can thus engage in routine industrial cleaning less frequently and still enjoy a clean and hygienic manufacturing plant that can be FDA-approved.


4. Automation and Integration

Lastly, FMCG food manufacturing companies can also consider incorporating automated environmental monitoring programmes that feedback data to do with cleaning and disinfection, such as whenever a quick clean-up is needed or the effectiveness of in-house minor cleaning efforts and that of routine industrial cleaning as well. 


Partner with Pneu Powders Systems for Food Manufacturing Solutions

Pneu Powders Systems is the leading provider of pneumatic conveying equipment and powder handling systems. We also offer systems integration services for manufacturing companies that need it. 

Partner with Pneu Powders Systems today for turnkey food manufacturing solutions and more. Contact us now.


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